Quantum Computing @ UniUd

Udine is Quantum too

Rule 34 of Computer Science: if it exists, then there is its quantum version.

Quantum computing is becoming more and more important in computer science. Grover and Shor algorithms are two example of the speed up that Quantum computing can give in solving problems that are untractable for classical computer science. In our laboratory we mostly focus into the theoretical foundations of Quantum Computing. For example we study the relation bewteen QC and graph theory, or the theory on Quantum Automata. (check our PUBLICATIONS page to see the last topics we are working on) Despite our theoretical approach, we are interested in any topic that can eventually be 'quantized', like Quantum Machine Learning, Quantum Criptography, ecc. If you are interested in any aspect of Quantum Computing, contact us.
The Map of Quantum Computing

European Summer School on Quantum AI - EQAI - First Edition

In 2022, Udine hosted the very first edition of the European Summer School on Quantum AI. This school aims to provide both an objective and clear overview and an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art research in Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum AI.


European Summer School on Quantum AI - EQAI - Second edition

In 2023, Udine will host the second edition of the European Summer School on Quantum AI. Click the button below to get extra information.